Timber has a strong reputation as an attractive and durable solution for exterior home cladding. Noted as New Zealand’s No.1 cladding of choice, timber weatherboards are synonymous in New Zealand’s building industry, from its eye-catching classic visual appeal to its more practical benefits in terms of durability, efficiency and versatility.
Door Jambs
View ProductsWhat is CodeMark?
CodeMark is a voluntary product certification scheme that provides an easily-understood and robust way to show a building product meets the requirements of the New Zealand Building Code. It gives our Weatherboard system an unchallengeable form of product assurance. Building consent authorities must accept a product certificate as evidence of compliance with the Building Code.
This provides our customers, builders and homeowners peace of mind that our proven audited system complies with the NZ Building code and is designed to withstand the NZ elements. Detailed installation guides are available for all of our Weatherboard range.